Astrid Banks
Client Service & Marketing Associate

“What would my girls think?”
That’s what Astrid asks herself when she’s measuring whether she’s been successful at something. If her daughters would be proud of her, it’s mission accomplished.
And for Astrid, there is no shortage of missions to undertake. Her personal goal, for example, is to complete 500 hours of Baptiste Yoga training (“So scary and so exciting at the same time!”). At Surround Wealth Advisors, she holds a multitude of responsibilities, ranging from project management to information technology to greeting every visitor with a warm smile (“I believe that my small tasks are big jobs!”).
There is just a chance that you may be detecting, in Astrid, an overall sunny personality. “Most important to me are health, love, family and friends,” she says. “So I couldn’t agree more with our tagline: There is more than one way to wealth. The money is the icing.”
Astrid also identifies strongly with the Surround name on a couple of levels. “Surrounding myself with hard working, goal-oriented people is important to me. I also get a lot of satisfaction from going above and beyond to satisfy our clients’ needs. Of surrounding them, if you will. We think of our clients as an extension of our own families: we remember days that are special to them, and we offer an ear or a shoulder.”
Astrid, who joined the Surround Wealth Advisors team in 2016, is also a client. She will remember your dog’s birthday, believes in what she calls the “lost art” of small talk, and also in never, ever, forgetting the coffee.